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Alienware M11xr3 View

Alienware M11xr3 (1,099 dollars) is the next in a series of 11-inch gaming laptops. Last year, the Alienware M11x (1175 $ directly, to 4 stars) turn his head in his game design quality laptop with Nvidia Optimus.

Updates to the model this year for the second generation of Intel Core i5, a more powerful Nvidia GeForce 540-chipset graphics, and more ways to connect to your favorite games online via Wi-Fi and WiMAX, which is due to our editorial "Election to the portable gaming laptops.


Design-wise, the Alienware is not known for subtlety. That boasts a bright blue LED M11xr3 (can also be configured to Astral Aqua, Red Mars, New yellow, green earth, and Plasma Purple lighting). From this, a backlit keyboard, and the glowing Alienware logo on the front grilles and bottom of the pile, you have no trouble finding the phone in the dark. The rest of M11xr3 are coated with a rubber magnesium Steath soft-bodied black coating. The interior design is structured on the palm rest plastic, which offers a nice amount of friction in writing. The touchpad has a smoother texture and a bit "of depression that distinguish it from other palms.

The displays 11-inch widescreen display with 1366 x 768, which is enough to make a game or a movie, but does not leave much space for multitasking. Unfortunately, as previously thought suffer M11x M11xr3 real problem, which becomes more noticeable when the games under fluorescent light. Since portable netbook is the size of the keyboard is smaller than normal size, which would be the 14-inch laptops, Samsung QX410-J01 ($ 829.99) and Asus U41JF-A1 ($ 857). For me, shook his writing experience was easy to adjust. The M11xr3 is heavier than the laptop screen 11 inches typical weighting 4.47 pounds, while Lenovo ThinkPad X120e ($ 580) weighs 3.3 pounds. Weight gain is understandable because M11xr3 is packed with more internal hardware.