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Alienware M11X View

We wanted to get their hands on Alienware M11x since we've seen at CES - this is one of the most interesting riffs on the thin and light, we have seen in a long time. Of course, it is compact, the interior has a Core 2 Duo ULV associated with a NVIDIA GT335M switchable, making it one of the most powerful laptops on the market small.

But power is never cheap: the M11x starts at $ 799, and our test model was equipped with an upgrade SU7300 1.3 GHz Core 2 Duo and 4 GB of RAM clocks $ 949. It's expensive, but potentially worth it if you're a serious player on the road. You know, we had a test and know - we'll see if M11x can save those looks with performance.

M11x is swoopy curves certainly help - if you squint right, front-end looks almost exactly like the Camaro - but is that really you expect common square, with flat sides and edges in the rest of the case. We were almost say that the effect is somewhat effective, but no one should be confused with so many options, portable LED lighting for the automotive industry. We just want to say that Alienware has used a soft matte finish on the keyboard covers the entire machine, and a shiny black paint which covers a combination of flat surfaces and hair seems more appropriate than you expect.

The site has a wide range of health Ports: VGA, USB port for charging other devices, Ethernet, HDMI, DisplayPort, card reader, and four-pin FireWire lines on the left side, while the Sport microphone on the right, two doors headphones, two USB ports, and a large glossy black plastic. Only through the power port on the back, but basically you can find a large enough area, the battery indicator and a small plaque in memory to buy Alienware. M11x is also very heavy for a small car 4.5 pounds - that's it, for example, 13-inch MacBook Pro, and you can definitely feel the weight when you think.