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Acer Aspire One 5735Z View

Acer Aspire 5735 notebook is a 15.6-inch screen with economic, 16:9 aspect ratio. It costs less than $ 500 and has a reasonable quality build, a full keyboard with numeric keypad and decent battery life.

Building and Design

The 5735Z has a plastic construction and low cost design relatively simple. It feels surprisingly solid in the hand, and despite all the constructions of plastic, usually does not bend. The 5735Z has a solid inner frame when the frame is rigid, resistant to bending. The palmrests are rigid, and the area around the keyboard. The bottom of the laptop is made of thicker plastic than I expected, and not flexible. No squeaks or creaks when handling the notebook.

The plastic around the keyboard is a good dark gray with a matte finish that seems to be relatively durable. The case and the screen is bright black plastic cover, which attracts fingerprints easily and are more prone to scratching than plastic dark gray. The bottom and sides of the notebook is a textured black plastic, which is more durable than other plastics.

The cover is secured to the frame by two hinges, heavy duty provide evidence to fail. Cover tightly against change, because it is a squat, because it is larger than the screen in the normal work of 16:9, giving more support. Pushing on the back of the screen to the production of small oscillations on the screen, but only if an abnormal pressure is used. When closed, the lid is held in position in the lock.

5735 design is simple. The notebook is quite large in proportion to its width is 16:9 widescreen UltraSharp. 5735 is required before completing this form.

5735 is not built like a tank, but it's nice to feel strong and solid. This notebook should be able to withstand daily use and it will take many years if looked after well.