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Acer Aspire 5742 View

The Aspire 5742G is typical of the last round of the Acer laptop with its sleek design, powerful processor and relatively low prices. Sometimes we are surprised at how Acer laptops are ready, not only do you get the latest Core i3-370 processor, but also has its own video card capable of playing, and a generous 500 GB hard drive.

But there is a cloud to go with the blue of the sky: the Acer laptop has a lot more software than most, and mostly useless. programs, the list is full of games and utilities for Acer, each with its own to remove the entry. Many people are unaware of the additional software that works by default on their new computers often, slow down and take some time to clean the 5742G to get the most out of it.

Despite this, the performance is good. The overall result was 86 of our benchmarks show 5742G is powerful enough for almost any task. 4 GB of RAM, you must have a lot of overhead with large files.

We were pleasantly surprised with the inclusion of the Radeon HD 5470 graphics card in this price range do most notebooks to make an integrated graphics chip. 5470 is not the fastest around, if and only managed 20 fps in our Call of Duty 4 test, but reduce the options that you should be able to play many games.

Laptop screens are often short vertical viewing angles, and with a glossy finish so you need to adjust the screen carefully for the best photo 5742G. When you do, the colors are natural and contrast is good, although a slight shade of blue makes dull skin tones. If you want to watch movies on a bigger screen, VGA and HDMI, and lets you output video and audio through a single cable. Enjoy a variety of guest speakers from the couple are no longer sufficient height and internal metallic sound.