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Lenovo IdeaPad Tablet K1 (Wi-Fi)

Performance and Speed

When you put all the pieces together themselves, you will probably get the same results. And that's why the Lenovo Q1 performance benchmark is very similar like any other Honeycomb tablets on the market. The speed of the browser Pi calculations for basic salary, the K1, simply, very quickly. In practical applications run faster and there was some delay.

There was one performance issue with K1: In my test applications with the browser crashed a few times. Once the tablet crushed completely and required a reboot, a problem that I never had with another tablet Android.


    nVidia Tegra 2 Dual-Core
Processor Speed
    1 GHz
Operating System
    Google Android 3.0 or higher
Screen Size
    10.1 inches
Storage Capacity (as Tested)
    32 GB
    10.4 x 7.4 x 0.5 inches
Networking Options