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Acer Aspire 5336 View

Netbooks Multimedia Centre tiny high performance, manufacturers a wide range of Acer notebooks impressive that match every budget. Aspire 5336-T353G32Mnkk the most affordable end of the range and the low price means it's also a way to perform the same.

15.6-inch display is the first disappointment. It 'a green color that is sure to irritate anyone who wants to watch movies or view photos. Although the 1366 x 768 - pixel resolution and detail is surprisingly weak. The screen is very good, remove the glare of light, though, so it's good for those who work in difficult lighting conditions of its mandate.

The chassis is well designed and are made of hard black plastic, will they survive the harsh life on the road. Unlike MSI CR620-643uk is the design a bit boring, but at this price is quite normal.

Acer keyboard layout is used here only for the keys to stay out of the case independently. Unfortunately, plastics are used quite malleable, and there are obvious flexibility as you type.

But only those with a strong touch of this warning, and a large keyboard makes writing fast and easy, which is good news on a regular typewriter.