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Dell Inspiron i15RN5110-7126DBK


The i15RN5110-7126DBK has a black diamond finish: A shiny plastic that covers the lid and wrist and vibrates with an almost metallic luster. The finish is rich and bright up close, but by far it seems pretty trivial. It also collects fingerprints, so you'll want to wipe from time to time. At 5.82 pounds, it i15RN5110 7126DBK-bit heftier than its peers more expensive, as Apple MacBook Pro 5.5 pounds 15 inches (Thunderbolt) ($ 2,199 direct, 4 stars), but it's still light enough to catch -all together on a commuter and it measures only 1.33 by 14.8 inches by 10.24 (DRC).


For the price, i15RN5110-7126DBK is a very rich list of ports and connectors. Although many of these are the best, of course, as the VGA output, USB 2.0, headphone and microphone, and Wi-Fi 802.11n, there are several features that I did not expect this price range. It is not entirely uncommon to see a multi-format card reader (SD, MMC, MS / Pro) or an HDMI connector, but features such as Blu-ray drive, two USB 3.0 ports and Bluetooth are more rare. I15RN5110-7126DBK Widi 2.0 also comes with the Intel wireless technology that streams 1080p HDTV content via the Netgear adapter Push2TV (a separate purchase $ 99).